
Preferred Options consultation document

Representation ID: 98824

Received: 31/10/2019

Respondent: North Norfolk District Council

Representation Summary:

North Norfolk District Council raises no fundamental concerns regarding the four sites proposed for allocation, but reserves the right to change this position based upon feedback from members of the public to the proposed allocations through this Regulation 18 consultation.

Notwithstanding the above, North Norfolk District Council would ask that further consideration is given to the proposed allocation, Min 115, at Lord Anson's wood, near North Walsham. In light of the proposed expansion of North Walsham through the Local Plan, careful consideration should be given to the proximity of North Walsham and the impact this expansion may have upon any transport solution based on the findings of a Transport Assessment associated with this proposal.

Full text:

North Norfolk District Council welcome the opportunity to make comments on the Norfolk County Council Minerals and Waste Local Plan Preferred Options Consultation. North Norfolk District Council raise no fundamental objections to the Plan, but the Council wish to make the following comments/observations on the proposed allocations and the wording of proposed policies.

Proposed Policies

As you will be aware, North Norfolk District Council declared a state of climate emergency on the 24th April of 2019. As such in relation to draft Policy MW4 'Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption' the Council consider that more could be done in regard to the issue of climate change. It is stated that 10% of energy should be from decentralised and renewable or low-carbon sources and that due to the rural nature of the District a figure higher than this cannot be achieved. However, North Norfolk District Council consider that this figure could be higher and it is not clear as to the source of the evidence that backs up the figure of 10%.

North Norfolk District Council is currently producing an emerging Local Plan to 2036. Through the Regulation 18 consultation on the North Norfolk Local Plan, Norfolk County Council Minerals and Waste provided comments on a number of proposed allocations to include wording within the site-specific policies in line with current Policy CS 16 and the safeguarding of minerals. It is noted that the current Policy CS 16 is to be split across three different policies: MP 10 (safeguarding of port and rail facilities, and facilities for the manufacture of concrete asphalt and recycled materials); MP 11 (Minerals safeguarding Areas and Minerals Consultation Areas); and MP 17 (Safeguarding Waste Management Facilities).

The Council has no objection to the splitting up of Policy CS 16 in the way suggested. As Policy MP 11 tightens up the wording set out within existing Policy CS 16 this may have implications for comments made on future iterations of the North Norfolk Local Plan should the Norfolk County Council Minerals and Waste Local Plan be formally adopted first. North Norfolk would welcome the opportunity to include any revised policy wording in our emerging Local Plan to ensure mineral deposits are appropriately safeguarded.

Proposed Allocations

North Norfolk District Council note that there are five sites considered within North Norfolk for the extraction of minerals, four of which are proposed to be allocated and one deleted. North Norfolk District Council welcome the deletion of the site at Holt (Min 71: Land West of Norwich Road, Holt) due to the potential impact upon the natural environment.

North Norfolk District Council raises no fundamental concerns regarding the four sites proposed for allocation, but reserves the right to change this position based upon feedback from members of the public to the proposed allocations through this Regulation 18 consultation.

Notwithstanding the above, North Norfolk District Council would ask that further consideration is given to the proposed allocation, Min 115, at Lord Anson's wood, near North Walsham. In light of the proposed expansion of North Walsham through the Local Plan, careful consideration should be given to the proximity of North Walsham and the impact this expansion may have upon any transport solution based on the findings of a Transport Assessment associated with this proposal.