Supporting documents to proposed Main Modifications and Additional Modifications

Ends on 13 December 2024 (56 days remaining)
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Addendum to Sustainability Appraisal Report (2024)

Assesses the social, environmental and economic impact of the proposed modifications to the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

Addendum to the Habitats Regulations Assessment - Test of Likely Significant Effects

An assessment of the impacts of the Main Modifications to the policies in the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan on the UK National Site Network (consisting of Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of Conservation).

Waste management capacity and forecast arisings update (2024)

This document is published for information and uses the published data from the 2021 and 2022 Environment Agency Waste Data Interrogator.

Update on the sand and gravel, carstone and silica sand provision within the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan

This document is published for information and uses the most up-to-date published minerals data from the Local Aggregate Assessment 2023.

Heritage Impact Assessment Addendum for site MIN 25 - land at Manor Farm, Haddiscoe

This Addendum to the Heritage Impact Assessment for site MIN 25 'land at Manor Farm' Haddiscoe' is regarding the assessment of a potential group of nine round tower churches including Haddiscoe St Mary and Thorpe next Haddiscoe St Matthias. This document is published for information.

Schedule of proposed Additional Modifications to the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan

Additional modifications are those that do not materially affect policies and could be considered clarifications and corrections. The additional modifications are matters solely for the Council and such changes are not a matter for the Inspector.

Amended Policies Map insets due to proposed Main Modifications to Policy MW4

The proposed Main Modifications to the Policy MW4: 'The Brecks Protected Habitats and Species' result in the deletion of both the stone curlew mitigation zones and the precautionary areas where there is a lack of data (shown as 1km grid cells where less than half area surveyed). The relevant insets to the Policies Map affected by the proposed Main Modifications to policy MW4 are insets 4, 7, 8, 12, 17, 18 and 19 and the legend. This document is published for information.

Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan containing all proposed Main Modifications and Additional Modifications as tracked changes

This document is published for information only. Deleted text is shown as strike through. New text proposed in a Main Modification is shown in bold and underlined. New text proposed in an Additional Modification is shown in bold, underlined and in italics. The colours of the additional text may vary throughout the document.

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