Initial Consultation document
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Initial Consultation document
Question 74: Proposed site SIL 02 (land at Shouldham and Marham)
Representation ID: 92266
Received: 13/08/2018
Respondent: Shouldham parish council
As Shouldham Parish Clerk, I have been actioned to inform you of the Parish Council's objection to the above proposal. This decision was reached at the last Extra-Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on 6 August 2018.
The Parish Council's objections are based on the following grounds:
- The loss of landscape and amenity would be obtrusive and detrimental to the visual amenity of the area as a whole.
- Concern about what will happen to the quarry sites afterwards - will the landscape be restored sympathetically?
- What will the impact of the dredging lakes be in the area - particularly regarding the attraction of birds to the area and the potential for bird strikes on aircraft from RAF Marham?
- Impact of the construction of site infrastructure such as pipelines and access roads.
- Potential for heavy road traffic and the construction of access roads and routes.
- Dust and noise from the extraction area - and its potential health impacts.
- Increased light pollution in the area.
- Impact on listed buildings/monuments in the area.
- Destruction of habitat and SSI's, together with the impact on wildlife.
As Shouldham Parish Clerk, I have been actioned to inform you of the Parish Council's objection to the above proposal. This decision was reached at the last Extra-Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on 6 August 2018.
The Parish Council's objections are based on the following grounds:
- The loss of landscape and amenity would be obtrusive and detrimental to the visual amenity of the area as a whole.
- Concern about what will happen to the quarry sites afterwards - will the landscape be restored sympathetically?
- What will the impact of the dredging lakes be in the area - particularly regarding the attraction of birds to the area and the potential for bird strikes on aircraft from RAF Marham?
- Impact of the construction of site infrastructure such as pipelines and access roads.
- Potential for heavy road traffic and the construction of access roads and routes.
- Dust and noise from the extraction area - and its potential health impacts.
- Increased light pollution in the area.
- Impact on listed buildings/monuments in the area.
- Destruction of habitat and SSI's, together with the impact on wildlife.