Initial Consultation document

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Initial Consultation document

Question 51: Proposed site MIN 48

Representation ID: 92128

Received: 12/08/2018

Respondent: Wood Farm Liveries

Representation Summary:

Felthorpe is a quiet country village with a number of horse owners living locally many of whom ride through the village and surrounding areas.
There are fifteen owners who keep their horses in livery at Wood Farm. The riders regularly hack out along the public footpaths and bridle ways surrounding Wood Farm. One frequently used footpath, known locally as Sandy Lane, runs along side the proposed site MIN 48. The noise, dust and other activity at the site together with the increased HGV traffic along the C245 Felthorpe Road will cause disruption to both the horses and riders. Horses are easily frightened by sudden loud noises which can result in them bolting and unseating their riders. This can obviously cause a major risk of severe injury to the rider and the horse.

Full text:

Felthorpe is a quiet country village with a number of horse owners living locally many of whom ride through the village and surrounding areas.
There are fifteen owners who keep their horses in livery at Wood Farm. The riders regularly hack out along the public footpaths and bridle ways surrounding Wood Farm. One frequently used footpath, known locally as Sandy Lane, runs along side the proposed site MIN 48. The noise, dust and other activity at the site together with the increased HGV traffic along the C245 Felthorpe Road will cause disruption to both the horses and riders. Horses are easily frightened by sudden loud noises which can result in them bolting and unseating their riders. This can obviously cause a major risk of severe injury to the rider and the horse.

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