Preferred Options consultation document
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Preferred Options consultation document
MIN 203 - land north of Welcome Pit, Burgh Castle
Representation ID: 93242
Received: 17/10/2019
Respondent: Folkes Plant & Aggregates Limited
Agent: Stephen M Daw Limited
This Site is subject to a recently submitted planning application which has yet to be determined. Notwithstanding this, my Client would ask for the Site to be Allocated for the following reasons:
a) This is an extension to an existing quarry which has been in operation for several decades without attracting significant objection;
b) The quarry is uniquely well positioned to supply Sand and Gravel to the Great Yarmouth urban area together with surrounding towns and villages;
c) In pre-application discussions, the County Highways Authority has stated in writing they would raise no objection to an application subject to the suspension of 'Skip, Lorry and Plant Hire operations' for the life of the quarry operations;
d) In addition to the suspension of Skip, Lorry and Plant Hire operations, surfacing improvements at the site entrance, improved road markings, installation of a vehicle activated sign and imposition of a Lorry Management Plan concerning vehicle routing, all form part of the proposal;
e) The stated mineral reserve has been reduced from 280,000 to 200,000 tonnes which will be extracted at current rates of 15,000tpa over a period of 15 years, i.e. until end of 2034 and all within the Plan Period;
f) By not working some sharp Sand from beneath the water table, the proposed restoration scheme involves the formation of extensive reed beds. This combined with landscaping of graded marginal slopes and incorporation of exposed Sand banks for invertebrates and a mineral face for geological study, will result in significant biodiversity and geodiversity enhancements to the existing situation.
This Site is subject to a recently submitted planning application which has yet to be determined. Notwithstanding this, my Client would ask for the Site to be Allocated for the following reasons:
a) This is an extension to an existing quarry which has been in operation for several decades without attracting significant objection;
b) The quarry is uniquely well positioned to supply Sand and Gravel to the Great Yarmouth urban area together with surrounding towns and villages;
c) In pre-application discussions, the County Highways Authority has stated in writing they would raise no objection to an application subject to the suspension of 'Skip, Lorry and Plant Hire operations' for the life of the quarry operations;
d) In addition to the suspension of Skip, Lorry and Plant Hire operations, surfacing improvements at the site entrance, improved road markings, installation of a vehicle activated sign and imposition of a Lorry Management Plan concerning vehicle routing, all form part of the proposal;
e) The stated mineral reserve has been reduced from 280,000 to 200,000 tonnes which will be extracted at current rates of 15,000tpa over a period of 15 years, i.e. until end of 2034 and all within the Plan Period;
f) By not working some sharp Sand from beneath the water table, the proposed restoration scheme involves the formation of extensive reed beds. This combined with landscaping of graded marginal slopes and incorporation of exposed Sand banks for invertebrates and a mineral face for geological study, will result in significant biodiversity and geodiversity enhancements to the existing situation.