Preferred Options consultation document

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Preferred Options consultation document

Site WS3 Land at Atlas Works, Norwich Road, Lenwade

Representation ID: 98552

Received: 27/10/2019

Respondent: Great Witchingham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

I would like to comment on behalf of Great Witchingham Parish Council about plans to include 'WS3 Land at Atlas Works, Norwich Road, Lenwade' into the M & WLP.

1. The site is currently being operated without a licence by its current owner and has been since August 2018.
We feel the current operator would not adhere to conditions put in place by any statutory body as they have been operating without a licence as stated previously.
Norfolk County Council has failed to take enforcement actions against the site. They are aware as Great Witchingham Parish Council has made several complaints.

2. Traffic from heavy goods vehicles would be significantly increased. The A1067 has seen a significant increase in the volume of traffic since the opening of the A1270 NDR in early 2018. I would estimate there has been an increase between 30-35% in traffic volumes.
As the Western Link is due to be constructed, we feel Great Witchingham would see an increase in traffic volumes.
Traffic has increased by a massive amount and everybody living in the village has trouble entering onto the A1067 during rush hour periods.
With the opening of the Western Link we feel more traffic will be travelling on the A1067 to get to the road. Not only will we have an increase in the number of cars, we can foresee a large increase in HGV traffic due to the waste facility.
Increased HGV usage would come from both Eastern and Western directions to access the waste facility.

3. Noise and air pollution has been a problem with this site since it started operating in August 2018. Noisy crushing machines operating on numerous occasions outside when all operations should be performed inside. Dust on numerous occasions and lots of plastic debris has been seen on the A1067 outside the site and along Marriots
The Environment Agency has been to site several times due to these concerns. There is video and photographic evidence to support these observations.

4. The River Wensum is very close to the site and as we know it is one of Norwich's main water sources. Plastic debris has been found along Marriots way which we feel could also make its way into the river.
With the prospect of other waste and a BIO fuel site being suggested, we feel this facility is to close to sensitive sites.

5. The 'Royal Norwich Golf Club' has invested a great amount of time and money to its new golfing facility which is directly opposite 'Atlas works'.
Bernard Matthews Foods is also close by and we feel both of these organisations with other businesses along the A1067 would be affected by such waste facilities.

In summary 'Great Witchingham Parish Council believes that the 'Atlas Works' site is an inappropriate area to be added to the M&WLP.

Full text:

I would like to comment on behalf of Great Witchingham Parish Council about plans to include 'WS3 Land at Atlas Works, Norwich Road, Lenwade' into the M & WLP.

1. The site is currently being operated without a licence by its current owner and has been since August 2018.
We feel the current operator would not adhere to conditions put in place by any statutory body as they have been operating without a licence as stated previously.
Norfolk County Council has failed to take enforcement actions against the site. They are aware as Great Witchingham Parish Council has made several complaints.

2. Traffic from heavy goods vehicles would be significantly increased. The A1067 has seen a significant increase in the volume of traffic since the opening of the A1270 NDR in early 2018. I would estimate there has been an increase between 30-35% in traffic volumes.
As the Western Link is due to be constructed, we feel Great Witchingham would see an increase in traffic volumes.
Traffic has increased by a massive amount and everybody living in the village has trouble entering onto the A1067 during rush hour periods.
With the opening of the Western Link we feel more traffic will be travelling on the A1067 to get to the road. Not only will we have an increase in the number of cars, we can foresee a large increase in HGV traffic due to the waste facility.
Increased HGV usage would come from both Eastern and Western directions to access the waste facility.

3. Noise and air pollution has been a problem with this site since it started operating in August 2018. Noisy crushing machines operating on numerous occasions outside when all operations should be performed inside. Dust on numerous occasions and lots of plastic debris has been seen on the A1067 outside the site and along Marriots
The Environment Agency has been to site several times due to these concerns. There is video and photographic evidence to support these observations.

4. The River Wensum is very close to the site and as we know it is one of Norwich's main water sources. Plastic debris has been found along Marriots way which we feel could also make its way into the river.
With the prospect of other waste and a BIO fuel site being suggested, we feel this facility is to close to sensitive sites.

5. The 'Royal Norwich Golf Club' has invested a great amount of time and money to its new golfing facility which is directly opposite 'Atlas works'.
Bernard Matthews Foods is also close by and we feel both of these organisations with other businesses along the A1067 would be affected by such waste facilities.

In summary 'Great Witchingham Parish Council believes that the 'Atlas Works' site is an inappropriate area to be added to the M&WLP.

If you need further information, please do not hesitate myself or the parish clerk.

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