Preferred Options consultation document

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Preferred Options consultation document

MIN 201 - land at Swangey Farm, north of North Road, Snetterton

Representation ID: 94970

Received: 29/10/2019

Respondent: Breedon Group

Representation Summary:

SA5 - The document acknowledges that a Heritage Statement will not only identify impacts but also suggest mitigation measures and that an appropriate scheme of restoration will ensure there are no unacceptable impacts upon the setting of heritage assets.
SA6 - The suggestion that Swangey Fen SSSI and the CWS Fen Plantation will be adversely impacted by dust is untrue completely unfounded as is the suggestion that Old Buckingham Fen and Fen Plantation SSSI's will be impacted upon through de-watering are unsubstantiated and experience has proven that any draw down can be mitigated through installation of recharge ditches.

Full text:

SA5 - The document acknowledges that a Heritage Statement will not only identify impacts but also suggest mitigation measures and that an appropriate scheme of restoration will ensure there are no unacceptable impacts upon the setting of heritage assets.
SA6 - The suggestion that Swangey Fen SSSI and the CWS Fen Plantation will be adversely impacted by dust is untrue completely unfounded as is the suggestion that Old Buckingham Fen and Fen Plantation SSSI's will be impacted upon through de-watering are unsubstantiated and experience has proven that any draw down can be mitigated through installation of recharge ditches.

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