Preferred Options consultation document

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Preferred Options consultation document

MIN 23 - land north of Back Lane, Beeston

Representation ID: 95020

Received: 30/10/2019

Respondent: Beeston with Bittering parish council

Representation Summary:

In the previous consultation, the parish council objected to the inclusion of MIN23 in the proposed plan. The parish council is pleased to see the conclusion reached by NCC in this consultation that the site should NOT be included in the new MWLP and therefore the parish council supports the proposed position that is taken by NCC to remove this proposed site from the emerging local plan.

Full text:

In the previous consultation, the parish council objected to the inclusion of MIN23 in the proposed plan. The parish council is pleased to see the conclusion reached by NCC in this consultation that the site should NOT be included in the new MWLP and therefore the parish council supports the proposed position that is taken by NCC to remove this proposed site from the emerging local plan.

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