Preferred Options consultation document
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Preferred Options consultation document
SIL01 - land at Mintlyn South, Bawsey
Representation ID: 98977
Received: 30/10/2019
Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team
Many trees within the site boundary will be lost. Development should be subject to the additional requirement of an Arboricultural Impact Assessment to ensure sufficient standoff from the adjacent trees
I am satisfied that arboricultural implications have been suitably considered within the wider landscape and ecological context for the allocated sites and that my previous comments have been addressed. I have brief comments about 2 further sites.
SIL01 Mintlyn South, Bawsey
Many trees within the site boundary will be lost. Development should be subject to the additional requirement of an Arboricultural Impact Assessment to ensure sufficient standoff from the adjacent trees
MIN 213 Stratton Strawless
This site is surrounded by coniferous woodland and would therefore require an AIA at the planning application stage to ensure sufficient standoff from the adjacent trees. This to ensure a sufficient area of their roots are protected for their safe long term retention as part of the restored site.
Preferred Options consultation document
MIN 213 - land at Mansom Plantation, Stratton Strawless
Representation ID: 98978
Received: 30/10/2019
Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team
This site is surrounded by coniferous woodland and would therefore require an AIA at the planning application stage to ensure sufficient standoff from the adjacent trees. This to ensure a sufficient area of their roots are protected for their safe long term retention as part of the restored site.
I am satisfied that arboricultural implications have been suitably considered within the wider landscape and ecological context for the allocated sites and that my previous comments have been addressed. I have brief comments about 2 further sites.
SIL01 Mintlyn South, Bawsey
Many trees within the site boundary will be lost. Development should be subject to the additional requirement of an Arboricultural Impact Assessment to ensure sufficient standoff from the adjacent trees
MIN 213 Stratton Strawless
This site is surrounded by coniferous woodland and would therefore require an AIA at the planning application stage to ensure sufficient standoff from the adjacent trees. This to ensure a sufficient area of their roots are protected for their safe long term retention as part of the restored site.
Preferred Options consultation document
1. Introduction
Representation ID: 98979
Received: 30/10/2019
Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team
I am satisfied that arboricultural implications have been suitably considered within the wider landscape and ecological context for the allocated sites and that my previous comments have been addressed.
I am satisfied that arboricultural implications have been suitably considered within the wider landscape and ecological context for the allocated sites and that my previous comments have been addressed. I have brief comments about 2 further sites.
SIL01 Mintlyn South, Bawsey
Many trees within the site boundary will be lost. Development should be subject to the additional requirement of an Arboricultural Impact Assessment to ensure sufficient standoff from the adjacent trees
MIN 213 Stratton Strawless
This site is surrounded by coniferous woodland and would therefore require an AIA at the planning application stage to ensure sufficient standoff from the adjacent trees. This to ensure a sufficient area of their roots are protected for their safe long term retention as part of the restored site.
Preferred Options consultation document
SIL01 - land at Mintlyn South, Bawsey
Representation ID: 98980
Received: 30/10/2019
Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team
Whilst there will be unavoidable landscape and visual impacts of extraction at this site, an LVIA will be able to assess these and suggest appropriate mitigation measures. The restoration scheme will need to be carefully designed to take into account the assessment and should reflect the wider context and what is lost during the extraction.
I am satisfied that my previous comments have been taken into consideration and addressed where necessary. I have no further comments in relation to the proposed Waste sites Appendix 10 Sites 1-6.
Whilst the will be unavoidable landscape and visual impacts of extraction at this site, an LVIA will be able to assess these and suggest appropriate mitigation measures. The restoration scheme will need to be carefully designed to take into account the assessment and should reflect the wider context and what is lost during the extraction.
Min 213
A suitable landscape buffer of woodland is proposed to be retained which should minimise visual impacts from outside the site It will be important that a standoff is in please to protect these trees in longevity. Consideration will be required in relation to views from the proposed entrance, to ensure that this is suitably designed to minimise impacts.
Preferred Options consultation document
MIN 213 - land at Mansom Plantation, Stratton Strawless
Representation ID: 98981
Received: 30/10/2019
Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team
Min 213
A suitable landscape buffer of woodland is proposed to be retained which should minimise visual impacts from outside the site It will be important that a standoff is in please to protect these trees in longevity. Consideration will be required in relation to views from the proposed entrance, to ensure that this is suitably designed to minimise impacts.
I am satisfied that my previous comments have been taken into consideration and addressed where necessary. I have no further comments in relation to the proposed Waste sites Appendix 10 Sites 1-6.
Whilst the will be unavoidable landscape and visual impacts of extraction at this site, an LVIA will be able to assess these and suggest appropriate mitigation measures. The restoration scheme will need to be carefully designed to take into account the assessment and should reflect the wider context and what is lost during the extraction.
Min 213
A suitable landscape buffer of woodland is proposed to be retained which should minimise visual impacts from outside the site It will be important that a standoff is in please to protect these trees in longevity. Consideration will be required in relation to views from the proposed entrance, to ensure that this is suitably designed to minimise impacts.
Preferred Options consultation document
Appendix 10 - Proposed waste management sites
Representation ID: 98982
Received: 30/10/2019
Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team
I have no further comments in relation to the proposed Waste Sites Appendix 10 sites 1-6.
I am satisfied that my previous comments have been taken into consideration and addressed where necessary. I have no further comments in relation to the proposed Waste sites Appendix 10 Sites 1-6.
Whilst the will be unavoidable landscape and visual impacts of extraction at this site, an LVIA will be able to assess these and suggest appropriate mitigation measures. The restoration scheme will need to be carefully designed to take into account the assessment and should reflect the wider context and what is lost during the extraction.
Min 213
A suitable landscape buffer of woodland is proposed to be retained which should minimise visual impacts from outside the site It will be important that a standoff is in please to protect these trees in longevity. Consideration will be required in relation to views from the proposed entrance, to ensure that this is suitably designed to minimise impacts.
Preferred Options consultation document
1. Introduction
Representation ID: 98983
Received: 30/10/2019
Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team
I am satisfied that my previous comments have been taken into consideration and addressed where necessary.
I am satisfied that my previous comments have been taken into consideration and addressed where necessary. I have no further comments in relation to the proposed Waste sites Appendix 10 Sites 1-6.
Whilst the will be unavoidable landscape and visual impacts of extraction at this site, an LVIA will be able to assess these and suggest appropriate mitigation measures. The restoration scheme will need to be carefully designed to take into account the assessment and should reflect the wider context and what is lost during the extraction.
Min 213
A suitable landscape buffer of woodland is proposed to be retained which should minimise visual impacts from outside the site It will be important that a standoff is in please to protect these trees in longevity. Consideration will be required in relation to views from the proposed entrance, to ensure that this is suitably designed to minimise impacts.
Preferred Options consultation document
MIN 204 - land north of Lodge Road, Feltwell
Representation ID: 98984
Received: 30/10/2019
Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team
Min 204
Located within the stone curlew buffer constraints zone, on the edge of Breckland SPA. Under Article 6 of the Habitats Directive (and Regulation 102 of the Habitats Regulations), an assessment is required where a land use plan may give rise to significant effects upon a Natura 2000 site (also known as 'European sites').
Min 204
Located within the stone curlew buffer constraints zone, on the edge of Breckland SPA. Under Article 6 of the Habitats Directive (and Regulation 102 of the Habitats Regulations), an assessment is required where a land use plan may give rise to significant effects upon a Natura 2000 site (also known as 'European sites').
Min 213
Min 213 is located on a plantation, adjacent to Ancient re-planted woodland of Hevingham Park, and forms part of an extensive area of woodland (green infrastructure). The woodland forms part of the Core Sustenance Zone for a barbastelle bat maternity colony in the area, and this, together with its role providing habitat connectivity for wildlife, should be taken into consideration.
The woodland areas are of ecological value and likely support protected species such as bats and other wildlife. Where woodland areas are proposed for removal then an ecological assessment needs to be undertaken and any further surveys need to be carried out or mitigation proposed, if necessary. It is also located within a SSSI Impact Risk Zone requiring consultation with Natural England for any mineral application.
Preferred Options consultation document
MIN 213 - land at Mansom Plantation, Stratton Strawless
Representation ID: 98985
Received: 30/10/2019
Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team
Min 213 is located on a plantation, adjacent to Ancient re-planted woodland of Hevingham Park, and forms part of an extensive area of woodland (green infrastructure). The woodland forms part of the Core Sustenance Zone for a barbastelle bat maternity colony in the area, and this, together with its role providing habitat connectivity for wildlife, should be taken into consideration.
The woodland areas are of ecological value and likely support protected species such as bats and other wildlife. Where woodland areas are proposed for removal then an ecological assessment needs to be undertaken and any further surveys need to be carried out or mitigation proposed, if necessary. It is also located within a SSSI Impact Risk Zone requiring consultation with Natural England for any mineral application.
Min 204
Located within the stone curlew buffer constraints zone, on the edge of Breckland SPA. Under Article 6 of the Habitats Directive (and Regulation 102 of the Habitats Regulations), an assessment is required where a land use plan may give rise to significant effects upon a Natura 2000 site (also known as 'European sites').
Min 213
Min 213 is located on a plantation, adjacent to Ancient re-planted woodland of Hevingham Park, and forms part of an extensive area of woodland (green infrastructure). The woodland forms part of the Core Sustenance Zone for a barbastelle bat maternity colony in the area, and this, together with its role providing habitat connectivity for wildlife, should be taken into consideration.
The woodland areas are of ecological value and likely support protected species such as bats and other wildlife. Where woodland areas are proposed for removal then an ecological assessment needs to be undertaken and any further surveys need to be carried out or mitigation proposed, if necessary. It is also located within a SSSI Impact Risk Zone requiring consultation with Natural England for any mineral application.