Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Pre-Submission Publication
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Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Pre-Submission Publication
Representation ID: 99139
Received: 11/11/2022
Respondent: Broads Authority
Para after 6.30 could do with a para number
Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Pre-Submission Publication
Map 4. 5-mile zones surrounding urban areas and 3-mile zones surrounding main towns
Representation ID: 99140
Received: 11/11/2022
Respondent: Broads Authority
Map 4 – may not matter, but the urban areas are blue, and the main towns are blue, and the shades are not very different, so it is not easy to tell which blue is which.
Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Pre-Submission Publication
Policy MP6: Cumulative impacts and phasing of workings
Representation ID: 99141
Received: 11/11/2022
Respondent: Broads Authority
MP6, as worded, is quite complicated… in the same sentence, the policy talks about making something unacceptable, acceptable… I understand what is trying to be said here, but I wonder if the wording is clear.
Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Pre-Submission Publication
Representation ID: 99142
Received: 11/11/2022
Respondent: Broads Authority
MP7.5 – grammar - strategy for maintaining biodiversity
Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Pre-Submission Publication
Representation ID: 99143
Received: 11/11/2022
Respondent: Broads Authority
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Paragraph 6.16 – bullet point on lighting – needs to say more – it is about justifying the need for light in the first place, designing light so it is shielded and pointing down, of the right intensity for the job and only on when needed. This paragraph is a good start but does not go far enough and as per the comments on MW1, Policy MW1 needs to be wider than the impact of light on amenity.
Soundness test: Not justified
Change criterion to say:
[Insert: 'Only using lighting if fully justified'], minimising the use of external lighting, use hooded/cowled lighting to direct light downwards, [insert: 'only have the lighting on when it is needed (use timers, on/off switches or motion sensors), make sure the intensity is appropriate for the lighting task'] and contain light within the site.
Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Pre-Submission Publication
Policy MW1: Development Management Criteria
Representation ID: 99144
Received: 11/11/2022
Respondent: Broads Authority
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
MW1 part 1 – to be consistent with the NPPF, this criterion needs to mention the impact on the setting of these assets as well as on the assets themselves.
Soundness test: Not justified
Change criterion to say:
Protected landscapes [insert: 'and their setting'] including the Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the Heritage Coast and the Broads.