Proposed Main Modifications

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Proposed Main Modifications

MM07 - Policy MW3. Climate change mitigation and adaption, Page 39

Representation ID: 99545

Received: 22/10/2024

Respondent: Lead Local Flood Authority (Norfolk County Council)

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The LLFA has reviewed the main modifications as proposed and has the following comment to make.
In relation to MM07 Policy MW3, the LLFA notes there is no consideration of surface water flows. The LLFA notes that NPPF requires that all sources of flood risk must be considered in the development proposals. Therefore the LLFA requests the inclusion of Surface Water be added to the text.

Change suggested by respondent:

The LLFA requests the inclusion of Surface Water be added to the text.

Full text:

Consultation request for Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Publication of Proposed Main Modifications
Thank you for your consultation request for the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan on the publication of the proposed main modifications above received by the LLFA on 16 October 2024.
The LLFA has reviewed the main modifications as proposed and has the following comment to make.
In relation to MM07 Policy MW3, the LLFA notes there is no consideration of surface water flows. The LLFA notes that NPPF requires that all sources of flood risk must be considered in development proposals. Therefore, the LLFA requests the inclusion of Surface Water runoff be added to the text.
Should you have any further queries, please contact the LLFA by email at

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