Proposed Main Modifications
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Proposed Main Modifications
Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan
Representation ID: 99640
Received: 17/10/2024
Respondent: Norwich City Council
Thank you for making us aware of the publication of the proposed main modifications and additional modifications for the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan.
Within our statement of common ground there were three matters. We can see that the first two matters, both relating to defining the ‘agent of change’, have been addressed and incorporated which we support.
However we note that the third matter remains unresolved. Norwich City Council would still like to see the acknowledgement of ‘strategic regeneration opportunities’ within the supplementary text of policy MP10 as contextual information.
As per our previous representations we would suggest that an additional modification is made to paragraph MP10.3 to amend the second sentence to read: “Each decision will take into account the particular use of the safeguarded site, the nature of the proposed development, including its policy context and relationship to strategic regeneration opportunities.....”
Thank you for making us aware of the publication of the proposed main modifications and additional modifications for the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan.
Within our statement of common ground there were three matters. We can see that the first two matters, both relating to defining the ‘agent of change’, have been addressed and incorporated which we support.
However we note that the third matter remains unresolved. Norwich City Council would still like to see the acknowledgement of ‘strategic regeneration opportunities’ within the supplementary text of policy MP10 as contextual information. As per our previous representations we would suggest that an additional modification is made to paragraph MP10.3 to amend the second sentence to read: “Each decision will take into account the particular use of the safeguarded site, the nature of the proposed development, including its policy context and relationship to strategic regeneration opportunities.....”