Proposed Main Modifications

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Proposed Main Modifications

Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan

Representation ID: 99642

Received: 27/11/2024

Respondent: East Suffolk Council

Representation Summary:

Having considered the documents carefully, the Council has no specific comments to make in response to the Main Modifications Consultation and does not wish to raise any objections.

Full text:

I am writing to you in response to your Main Modifications and Additional Modifications Consultations for the Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan Review, which was received on 16th October 2024. Having considered the documents carefully, the Council has no specific comments to make in response to the Main Modifications Consultation and does not wish to raise any objections.
However, there was an error in the additional modifications document, which is set out below. AM21, paragraph 3.35 (bullet point 2) – The main modifications table states that there are five commercial composting facilities. However, the Minerals and Waste Local Plan Publication Version states that there are six composting facilities. However, this has not been marked as a change.
It was decided not to complete the online form because a letter was considered a more appropriate form of response. However, please contact me if you do need the response form to be completed.
Please contact me if there is anything in this response that you wish to discuss or if you require further information from East Suffolk Council.


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