
Preferred Options consultation document

Representation ID: 98108

Received: 19/10/2019

Respondent: Mr A Brown

Representation Summary:

I wish to state my strong objections to your idiotic ideas of allowing our glorious woods to be used for mineral extractions. I understand that the company involved is Belgium and will not contribute in any way to the benefit of this area of Norfolk but rather lead to a loss of beautiful woodlands, aggravating many health problems for local residents.
When people are marching to protect our environment for future generations and your council is aiming to plant thousands of trees to protect Norfolk from CO2 gases, where is the logic in destroying the trees in this much loved woodland used by hundreds every week. It is a well known fact established by Cambridge researchers, including Ken Thompson, author of Darwins Most Wonderful Plants, that living near trees is known to benefit those with mental stress and other illnesses of the brain.
Local school children use the woods for nature studies and learn how to respect nature and wildlife (deer birds foxes rabbits etc) and you will be helping to deprive them of this essential part of growing up in this increasingly dangerous world.
The air in this area is very pure and we want it to stay that way for future generations as our contribution to global warming . You know very well the dangers from sand and cement inhalation which will ensue if this operation is allowed. It is a well known fact that sand and cement are the highest causes of CO2 gases. Don't inflict this nightmare scenario on our serene woodlands.

Full text:

I wish to state my strong objections to your idiotic ideas of allowing our glorious woods to be used for mineral extractions. I understand that the company involved is Belgium and will not contribute in any way to the benefit of this area of Norfolk but rather lead to a loss of beautiful woodlands, aggravating many health problems for local residents.
When people are marching to protect our environment for future generations and your council is aiming to plant thousands of trees to protect Norfolk from CO2 gases, where is the logic in destroying the trees in this much loved woodland used by hundreds every week. It is a well known fact established by Cambridge researchers, including Ken Thompson, author of Darwins Most Wonderful Plants, that living near trees is known to benefit those with mental stress and other illnesses of the brain.
Local school children use the woods for nature studies and learn how to respect nature and wildlife (deer birds foxes rabbits etc) and you will be helping to deprive them of this essential part of growing up in this increasingly dangerous world.
The air in this area is very pure and we want it to stay that way for future generations as our contribution to global warming . You know very well the dangers from sand and cement inhalation which will ensue if this operation is allowed. It is a well known fact that sand and cement are the highest causes of CO2 gases. Don't inflict this nightmare scenario on our serene woodlands.