Proposed Main Modifications

Ends on 13 December 2024 (56 days remaining)

Appendix 3 – revised implementation, monitoring and review table (MM 59)



Related Policy/ strategic objective


Agencies responsible

Implementation mechanism

Data source

Intervention action


Landbank for sand and gravel

Objective MSO1

Policy MP1

Specific site allocation policies

Maintenance of at least a 7-year landbank for sand & gravel, based on previous 10 years' sales average plus 10%


Mineral operators

Allocations of specific sites in the M&WLP

Development Management (DM) decisions taken on planning applications

Mineral industry survey returns

Landbank falling below 7 years' supply triggers a review of Plan provision and/or is an indicator that suitable applications should be approved


Landbank for Carstone

Objective MSO1

Policy MP1

Policy MIN 06

Maintenance of at least a 10-year landbank for Carstone, based on previous 10 years' sales average plus 10%


Mineral operators

Allocations of specific sites in the M&WLP

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Mineral industry survey returns

Landbank falling below 10 years' supply triggers a review of Plan provision and/or is an indicator that suitable applications should be approved


Landbank for silica sand

Objective MSO2

Policy MP1

Policy MPSS1

Policy MIN 40

Policy SIL 01

Maintenance of at least a 10-year landbank for silica sand based on 754,000 tpa forecast extraction rate.


Mineral operators

Allocations of specific sites in the M&WLP

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Mineral industry survey returns

A landbank of below 10 years' supply is an indicator that suitable applications should be approved


Annual production of sand and gravel, Carstone and silica sand

Objectives MSO1 & MSO2

Policy MP1

To maintain a steady and adequate supply of aggregate and industrial minerals


Mineral operators

Allocations of specific sites in the M&WLP

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Mineral industry survey returns

A sustained increase in production above Plan provision triggers a review of Plan provision and/or is an indicator that suitable applications should be approved


Quantity of secondary and recycled aggregates produced in Norfolk (tonnes)

Objectives MSO3, WSO2, WSO8

Policy WP1

Policy WP3

Policy WP4

To increase the proportion of waste that is recycled and recovered in Norfolk.

To maintain a steady and adequate supply of aggregate minerals.


Waste management operators

Mineral operators

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Annual NCC waste survey returns

Environment Agency WDI

A sustained decrease in the proportion of waste that is recycled and recovered into recycled and secondary aggregates is an indicator that suitable applications should be approved


New waste management capacity provided (tonnes)

Objectives WSO2, WSO3, WSO4, WSO5, WSO8.

Policy WP1

Policy WP3

Policy WP4

Policy WP5

Policy WP6

Policy WP7

Policy WP8

Policy WP9

Policy WP10

To achieve net self-sufficiency in waste management by 2038, where practicable.

To increase the proportion of waste reused, recycled and recovered within Norfolk.

To move waste up the waste management hierarchy to minimise the need for landfill.


Waste management companies

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for waste management operations.

Environment Agency WDI

Annual NCC waste survey returns

A sustained decrease in the proportion of waste that is reused, recycled and recovered is an indicator that suitable applications should be approved


% local authority collected waste:

  • Reused
  • Recycled
  • Composted
  • RDF / energy recovery
  • landfilled

Objectives WSO1, WSO2, WSO2, WSO6

Policy WP1

Policy WP3

Policy WP4

Policy WP5

Policy WP6

Policy WP7

Policy WP8

Policy WP9

Policy WP10

Policy WP11

Policy WP12

Policy MW3

To increase the proportion of waste that is reused, recycled and recovered in Norfolk.

To move waste up the waste management hierarchy to minimise the need for landfill.


NCC as Waste Disposal Authority

Waste Collection Authorities

Waste management companies

Education and promotion of waste minimisation, composting and recycling by the Waste Collection Authorities and NCC as Waste Disposal Authority.

NCC's procurement of waste management contracts.

DM decisions taken on planning applications


A sustained decrease in the proportion of local authority collected waste that is reused, recycled and recovered is an indicator that suitable applications should be approved


% waste received at waste management facilities in Norfolk that is recycled/ recovered

Objectives WSO1, WSO2, WSO4, WSO6

Policy WP1

Policy WP3

Policy WP4

Policy WP5

Policy WP6

Policy WP7

Policy WP8

Policy WP9

Policy WP10

Policy MW3

To increase the proportion of waste that is recycled and recovered in Norfolk.

To move waste up the waste management hierarchy to minimise the need for landfill.


NCC as Waste Disposal Authority

Waste Collection Authorities

Waste management companies

Education and promotion of waste minimisation, composting and recycling by the Waste Collection Authorities and NCC as Waste Disposal Authority.

NCC's procurement of waste management contracts.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Environment Agency WDI

Annual NCC waste survey returns

A sustained decrease in the proportion of waste that is reused, recycled and recovered is an indicator that suitable applications should be approved


Waste input to landfill in Norfolk (tonnes)

Objectives WSO1, WSO2, WSO6

Policy WP11

Policy WP12

Policy MW3

To reduce the proportion and quantity of waste that is landfilled in Norfolk.

To move waste up the waste management hierarchy to minimise the need for landfill.


NCC as Waste Disposal Authority

Waste Collection Authorities

Waste management companies

Education and promotion of waste minimisation, composting and recycling by the Waste Collection Authorities and NCC as Waste Disposal Authority.

NCC's procurement of waste management contracts.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Environment Agency WDI

Annual NCC waste survey returns


An increase in the proportion and quantity of waste that is landfilled in Norfolk is an indicator that suitable applications which would move waste up the waste management hierarchy should be approved.


Inert, non-hazardous and hazardous waste landfill capacity (cubic metres and years)

Objectives MSO9, WSO1, WSO2, WSO4 WSO6

Policy WP11

Policy WP12

To reduce the proportion and quantity of waste that is landfilled in Norfolk.

To move waste up the waste management hierarchy to minimise the need for landfill.

NCC as Waste Disposal Authority

Waste management companies

Education and promotion of waste minimisation, composting and recycling by the Waste Collection Authorities and NCC as Waste Disposal Authority.

NCC's procurement of waste management contracts.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Environment Agency WDI

Annual NCC waste survey returns

Determined planning applications for landfill sites

An increase in the proportion and quantity of waste that is landfilled in Norfolk is an indicator that suitable applications which would move waste up the waste management hierarchy should be approved.


Renewable energy generation capacity at waste management facilities (MW)

Objectives WSO1, WSO2, WSO6, WSO7, WSO8

Policy MW3

Policy WP10

Policy WP12

To move waste up the waste management hierarchy by increasing the proportion of waste recovered in Norfolk.

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing renewable energy produced.


Waste management companies

DM decisions taken on planning applications

NCC closed landfill team

Waste management companies

Renewable energy generation companies

Renewable Energy Foundation

No increase in the amount of permitted renewable energy capacity at waste management facilities over a three-year period to trigger a review of related M&WLP policies and/or is an indicator that suitable applications should be permitted.


Distance of new mineral extraction sites and waste management facilities from main settlements and market towns

Objectives WSO6, MSO8

Policy MP2

Policy WP2

Policy MW3

Mineral extraction sites for sand and gravel or Carstone to be located within 5 miles of one of Norfolk's urban areas or three miles of a main town.

Waste management sites to be located within 5 miles of an urban area or 3 miles of a main town.


Waste management companies

Mineral operators

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Permission for more than two new mineral extraction or more than two new waste management facilities on unallocated sites in excess of the target distances of urban areas, main towns or the source or destination of the waste material will trigger a review of Plan provision and policies WP2 and MP2 as appropriate.


Number of minerals and waste planning applications granted that involved highway infrastructure upgrades orimprovements.



Policy MW2

To ensure minerals and waste developments do not have an unacceptable impact on the safety and capacity of the road network.

NCC as Highway Authority

National Highways

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Grants of mineral and waste permissions with outstanding objections from the Highway Authority and/or National Highways is an indicator for review of Plan provision and/or Policy MW2


Number of minerals and waste planning applications granted that include access to corridors of movement (i.e. trunk roads and A class roads)



Policy MW2

To ensure minerals and waste developments do not have an unacceptable impact on the safety and capacity of the road network.

NCC as Highway Authority

National Highways

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Grants of mineral and waste permissions with outstanding objections from the Highway Authority and/or National Highways is an indicator for review of Plan provision and/or Policy MW2


Number of reported accidents involving HGVs



Policy MW2

To ensure minerals and waste developments do not have an unacceptable impact on the safety and capacity of the road network.


NCC as Highway Authority

National Highways

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Site monitoring visits

NCC as Highway Authority

Increase in accidents involving HGVs from quarry traffic over a three-year period is an indicator for review of Policy MW2


Number of substantiated complaints concerning quarry traffic



Policy MW2

To ensure minerals and waste developments do not have an unacceptable impact on the safety and capacity of the road network.


Waste management companies

Mineral operators

NCC as Highway Authority

National Highways

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Site monitoring visits

NCC records of complaints

Increase in substantiated complaints involving quarry traffic over a three-year period is an indicator for review of Plan allocations and/or Policy MW2


Number of minerals and waste sites located within 5km of a Special Protection Area (SPA), Special Conservation Area (SAC) or Ramsar site.

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policies MW1 and MW4

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse impacts on the natural environment.


Natural England

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within 5km of a SPA, SAC or Ramsar site with an outstanding objection from Natural England is an indicator for review of policy MW1, WP2 or MP2.


Number of minerals and waste sites located within 2km of a SSSI.

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policy MW1

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse impacts on the natural environment.


Natural England

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within 2km of a SSSI site with an outstanding objection from Natural England is an indicator for review of policy MW1, WP2 or MP2


Number of mineral and waste sites located within 2km of a National Nature Reserve (NNR).

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policy MW1

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse impacts on the natural environment.


Natural England

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within 2km of a NNR with outstanding objections from Natural England is an indicator for review of policy MW1


Number of mineral and waste sites located within 250m of a Local Nature Reserve (LNR).

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policy MW1

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse impacts on the natural environment.


Local Planning Authorities

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within 250m of a LNR with an outstanding objection from NCC or the LPA is an indicator for review of policy MW1


Number of mineral and waste sites located within 250m of a County Wildlife Site (CWS).

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policy MW1

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse impacts on the natural environment.


Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for minerals and waste sites within 250m of a CWS with an outstanding objection from NCC or the LPA is an indicator for review of policy MW1


Number of mineral and waste sites located within the National Landscape (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policy MW1

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse effects on the natural, built and historic environment.


Natural England

Norfolk Coast Partnership

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within the National Landscape (AONB) with an outstanding objection from NCC or the Norfolk Coast Partnership is an indicator for review of policy MW1, WP2 or MP2.


Number of mineral and waste sites located within the Heritage Coast.

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policy MW1

No increase in sites located within the Heritage Coast. To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse effects on the natural, built and historic environment.


Norfolk Coast Partnership

Natural England

North Norfolk District Council

King's Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within Heritage Coast with an outstanding objection from NCC, the Norfolk Coast Partnership, or Natural England is an indicator for review of policy MW1


Number of mineral and waste sites located within the Broads Authority Executive Area.

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policy MW1

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse effects on the natural, built and historic environment.

Broads Authority

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within the Broads Authority Executive Area with an outstanding objection from NCC or the Broads Authority is an indicator for review of Policy MW1, WP2 or MP2


Number of mineral and waste sites located within a Core River Valley.

Objectives MSO6 & MSO9

Policy MW1

Policy MP4

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse effects on the natural environment, positively contribute to the natural environment and mitigate against cumulative impacts.


Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within a Core River Valley with outstanding objections from NCC is an indicator for review of policy MW1 and MP4


Number of mineral and waste sites located within 250m of a registered historic park or garden.

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policy MW1

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse impacts on the historic environment.

Historic England

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within 250m of a Registered Historic Park or Garden with an outstanding objection from Historic England is an indicator for review of policy MW1, WP2 or MP2


Number of mineral and waste sites located within 250m of a Conservation Area.

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policy MW1

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse impacts on the historic environment.

Historic England

Local Planning Authorities

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within a Conservation Area with an outstanding objection from the LPA or Historic England is an indicator for review of policy MW1, WP2 or MP2


Number of mineral and waste sites located within 250m of a Listed Building or Scheduled Monument.

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policy MW1

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse impacts on the historic environment.

Historic England

Specific site allocation decisions as part ofin M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within 250m of a Listed Building with an outstanding objection from NCC or Historic England is an indicator for review of policy MW1, WP2 or MP2


Number of mineral and waste sites located within Groundwater Source Protection Zone 1 (SPZ1).

Objectives MSO6 & WSO7

Policy MW1

To ensure that minerals and waste developments do not have unacceptable adverse effects on the natural environment.


Environment Agency

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within Groundwater SPZ1 with an outstanding objection from the Environment Agency is an indicator for review of policy MW1


Number of mineral and waste planning permissions granted contrary to the advice of the Environment Agency or the LLFA on flood risk grounds.

Objectives WSO7, MSO6, MSO8, MSO9

Policy MW1

Policy MW3

To ensure that minerals and waste development do not have unacceptable adverse impacts on flood risk on site or an increase in flood risk elsewhere


Environment Agency


Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Planning consultation responses from the Environment Agency

Planning consultation responses from the LLFA

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites granted contrary to flood risk advice from LLFA and/or Environment Agency is an indicator for review of policy MW1


Area of priority habitat to be created in approved restoration schemes for mineral workings

Objectives MSO8, MSO9, MSO10

Policy MP7

Policy MP8

All mineral extraction sites to have an agreed high quality progressive and expedient restoration scheme to achieve a beneficial afteruse to protect and enhance the environment.


Mineral operators

Specific site allocation decisions as part of in M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Site monitoring visits

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

No increase in permitted mineral and waste sites creating priority habitats on restoration is an indicator for review of policies MP7 and MP8


Number of minerals and waste developments securing their energy from on-site renewable or low carbon sources

Objectives MSO8, WSO6

Policy MW3

To address and minimise the impacts minerals and waste developments will have on climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emission from energy generation.


Mineral operators

Waste management operators

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Site monitoring visits

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

No increase in permitted mineral and waste sites securing their energy from on-site renewable or low-carbon sources as an indicator for review of M&WLP policy MW3


Number of minerals and waste developments located within an AQMA

Objective WSO7 & MSO7

Policy MW1

To reduced potential adverse effects on human health and amenity from mineral and waste developments.


LPAs- Environmental Health

Site specific allocations decisions as part of in the M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Increase in planning permissions for unallocated minerals and waste sites within an AQMA with outstanding objections from Environmental Health is an indicator for review of policy MW1


Number of substantiated complaints about amenity impacts from minerals and waste activities

Objectives MSO7 & WSO7

Policy MW1

To ensure that minerals and waste development do not have unacceptable adverse amenity impacts.

LPAs – Environmental Health

Environment Agency

Waste Management companies

Mineral operators

Site specific allocations decisions as part of in the M&WLP.

DM decisions taken on planning applications

Site monitoring and enforcement

NCC records of complaints

Year on year increase over a three-year period in substantiated complaints about amenity impacts as an indicator for review of policy MW1


Number of planning applications granted by LPAs within minerals or waste consultation areas (unless they fall within exclusions set out in Appendix 4).

Objectives MSO4, MSO5, WSO3

Policies MP10, MP11 and WP17

Safeguard mineral extraction sites, mineral infrastructure, waste management sites and waste recycling centres from incompatible development.

Safeguarding mineral resources so that they are not sterilised by non-mineral development where this should be avoided


Local Planning Authorities

Mapping safeguarded mineral sites, mineral infrastructure, mineral resources and waste sites in the Policies Map.

Consultation process on planning applications within safeguarded areas.

Determined planning applications by LPAs

Increase in planning permissions for unexempt development within mineral or waste consultation areas that have an outstanding objection from the MPA/WPA is an indicator for review of the related M&WLP safeguarding policies and/or review of NCC's consultation responses to planning applications and local plans.


Percentage of planning applications determined that are compliant with Policy MW3.

Objectives WSO6, WSO7, MSO8.

Policy MW3

To ensure that minerals and waste development takes a proactive approach to mitigating and adapting to climate change


Mineral operators

Waste management companies

Development management decisions taken on planning applications

Determined planning applications for minerals and waste operations

Planning permissions being granted that are not compliant with Policy MW3 is an indicator for review of Policy MW3.

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