Background documents

Ended on the 30 October 2019

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Document Size
Waste Management Capacity Assessment 2017
(1)acrobat reader Waste Management Capacity Assessment 2017 770 K
Sustainability Appraisal Report (Part A) - Scoping
(2)acrobat reader Sustainability Appraisal Report (Part A) - Scoping 7 M
Draft Sustainability Appraisal (Part B)
(4)acrobat reader Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report (Part B) 1 M
acrobat reader Appendix A - Appraisal tables of policies 631 K
(1)acrobat reader Appendix B - Appraisal tables of proposed mineral extraction sites and areas of search 1 M
Appendix C - Maps of proposed mineral extraction sites and areas of search N/A
acrobat reader map legend and sites in Breckland, Broadland and Great Yamouth 5 M
acrobat reader sites in West Norfolk, North Norfolk and South Norfolk 9 M
acrobat reader Appendix D - Maps and appraisal tables of proposed waste management facilities 6 M
Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment - Test of Likely Significant Effects
(2)acrobat reader Main document 550 K
acrobat reader Appendix B - Maps of hydrological catchments and SSSI Impact Risk Zones 7 M
Silica Sand AOS E and SIL 02 - Historic Environment Impact Assessment - Designated Heritage Assets
acrobat reader Silica Sand AOS E and SIL 02 - Historic Environment Impact Assessment - Designated Heritage Assets 10 M
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