Initial Consultation document

Ended on the 13 August 2018

42. Implementation, Monitoring and Review

The Policies, Specific Site Allocations and Areas of Search included in the Plan will mainly be implemented through the Development Management function of Norfolk County Council. However, some of the policies will be implemented through on-going dialogue with the Local Planning Authorities within Norfolk, which takes place through established work practices.

Implementation of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan will be monitored and captured in the Annual Monitoring Reports or Local Aggregate Assessment as appropriate. If the monitoring identifies any significant divergence from a trend or target required, some intervention by Norfolk County Council may be required. Proposed targets and trigger points for further consideration / action will be detailed in the Preferred Options Consultation document, the table below just contains two example indicators. Monitoring will seek to establish the reason (s) for the divergence from the target, and as a consequence, an intervention may be required. Intervention could include a review of the evidence base, a specific policy or the Plan as a whole and will be reported in the Annual Monitoring Report.

The format for the table of indicators for the implementation, monitoring and review of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan is shown below, containing two examples of indicators. The full table will contain indicators relevant to both minerals and waste developments.


Related Policy / strategic objective


Agencies responsible

Implementation mechanism

Data Source

Trigger Level

Landbank for sand and gravel, carstone and silica sand

S01 & S02

Policies MP1 and MP2

Maintenance of at least a 7 year landbank for S&G and carstone, and 10 years for silica sand based on previous 20 years' sales average

NCC and mineral operators

Allocations of specific sites and/or areas in the M&LPR

Development management decisions taken on planning applications

Mineral industry survey returns

Landbank falls below 7 years for S&G and carstone, or below 10 years for silica sand.

Annual production of sand and gravel, carstone and silica sand

S01 & S02

Policies MP1 and MP2

To maintain a steady and adequate supply of aggregate and industrial minerals

NCC and mineral operators

Allocations of specific sites and/or areas in the M&LPR

Development management decisions taken on planning applications

Mineral industry survey returns

Annual production in the LAA is significantly above or below the forecast

(1) Question 39: 'Implementation, monitoring and review' - Do you have any suggestions for indicators and targets?

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