Initial Consultation document

Ended on the 13 August 2018


AONB – Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

AQMA – Air Quality Management Area

ASNW – Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland

BEIS – Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

BGS –British Geological Survey

BMV – Best and Most Versatile

CD&E – Construction, demolition and excavation

C&I – Commercial and industrial

CWS – County Wildlife Site

DPD – Development Plan Document

EEFM – East of England Forecasting Model

EHO – Environmental Health Officer

ELV – End-of-Life Vehicle

HGV – Heavy Goods Vehicle

HRA –Habitats Regulations Assessment

IDB – Internal Drainage Board

IRZ – Impact Risk Zone

LAA –Local Aggregate Assessment

LACW – Local Authority Collected Waste

LNR – Local Nature Reserve

LPA –Local Planning Authority

M&WLPR – Minerals and Waste Local Plan Review

MPA –Minerals Planning Authority

MRF – Materials Recycling Facility

NNR – National Nature Reserve

NPPF – National Planning Policy Framework

NPPG – National Planning Practice Guidance

ONS – Office of National Statistics

PAWS – Plantation on Ancient Woodland

PEDL –Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence

PRoW – Public Right of Way

RDF – Refuse Derived Fuel

SA – Sustainability Appraisal

SAC – Special Area of Conservation

SEA – Strategic Environmental Assessment

SHMA – Strategic Housing Market Assessment

SPA – Special Protection Area

SSA – Site Specific Allocations

SSSI – Site of Special Scientific Interest

WDI – Waste Data Interrogator

WEEE – Waste electrical and electronic equipment

WFD – Water Framework Directive

WPA –Waste Planning Authority

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